A language learning app for 5 to 8 year olds!
The entertaining creature Dandelin helps children aged 5 to 8 years to discover the German language independently. The topics covered include areas particularly relevant for children of this age: at home, at school and in the park. Illustrative videos introduce the vocabulary and interactive games are used to train these words directly. There are also catchy songs that strengthen the vocabulary and various rewards for completed tasks, such as creative handicraft instructions or colouring pictures. Learning the German language is fun and easy!
There is also something to discover for teachers and parents - 35 downloadable teaching units for school and kindergarten as well as materials for parents who want to incorporate German into their everyday family life in a playful way.
Additional material
Material for parents
Fun ideas for at home can strengthen the basic vocabulary. This can be a great way to make learning German a part of everyday life in your family.
Teaching material
Teaching units adapted to the app with worksheets, audio and video files for direct use in school and kindergarten.
Songs and videos
All media from the app are available on our YouTube channel for use in school, kindergarten or at home.
- Österreich Institut GmbH, Austria www.oesterreichinstitut.at
- Studio Gaus GmbH, Germany www.studiogaus.com
- Inter-kulturo d.o.o., Slovenia www.interkulturo.si
- Osnovna šola Janka Glazerja Ruše, Slovenia www.glazer.si
- Scoala Gimnaziala “Pia Bratianu”, Romania www.scoala17pb.ro
- Vrtec Tezno Maribor, Slovenia www.vrtectezno.si
- Österreichische Kinderfreunde Graz-Leonhard, Austria kinderfreunde.at